Treatment of pediatric patients with brachial plexus palsy: an integrative review

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Silvério Afonso Coelho Velano
Bruno Cezario Costa Reis


Objective: To analyze the therapeutic pattern of treatment of Brachial Palsy of Obstetric Origin, relating to age and gender. Methods: The methodological approach of this work proposes a compilation of bibliographic research with a qualitative approach and descriptive character through an integrative literature review in the National Library of Medicine, Virtual Health Library and Directory of Open Access Journals databases. The descriptors used were “Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy” and “treatment”. Inclusion criteria were newspaper article articles, randomized controlled trial, clinical study, clinical trial, case-control studies, cohort study, open access, published in English, Portuguese, Spanish and between 2012 and 2022. Results: Surgical treatment, toxin application, oberlin procedure, three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging, conservative treatment, brachial plexus construction, virtual reality mirror therapy and dynamic elbow orthosis were evaluated. Final considerations: Thus, it was observed that the surgical treatment and the application of botulinum toxin type a were the main choices in the treatment with better results. In addition, the age group for treatment varies from 1 month to 20 years and the prevalent sex of the lesion is female.

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How to Cite
VelanoS. A. C., & ReisB. C. C. (2022). Treatment of pediatric patients with brachial plexus palsy: an integrative review. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Médico, 7, e10001.
Revisão Bibliográfica