Complex wounds and their alternative treatments: a literature review

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Bruno Silva Bullos
Bernardo Silva Bullos
Maria Eduarda Ferreira Felga Morais
Maria Isabel Ferreira Felga Morais
Ingrid de Oliveira Farias


Objective: To analyze the aspects inherent to the alternative treatment of complex wounds. Bibliographic review: Complex wounds correspond in short presentation to acute or chronic lesions that do not heal in usual time, in general, 4 weeks. The treatment of these wounds has been shown to be an aspect of high relevance, as they directly interfere with the patient's quality of life, hospital costs and family stress. In the epidemiological sphere, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), complex wounds are already considered as an epidemic due to their high prevalence. Final considerations: The theme that covers complex wounds has become increasingly relevant today, an aspect that had not been modified by the recent increase in the number of cases, but by the increase in costs and inopportune ones related to the prolonged time of hospitalizations. Taking into account mainly the marked reduction in the quality of life of patients, it is essential to expand the studies surrounding alternative treatments, a promotion that aims to rationally and objectively reduce the time of hospitalization and medical care, despite promoting the reduction of costs associated with the health system.

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How to Cite
BullosB. S., BullosB. S., MoraisM. E. F. F., MoraisM. I. F. F., & FariasI. de O. (2022). Complex wounds and their alternative treatments: a literature review. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Médico, 5, e10010.
Revisão Bibliográfica