The use of low-dose aspirin in the prevention of pre-eclampsia: a literature review

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Marcella Ferreira Henriques
Letícia Carvalho Nunes
Maria Luísa Vieira de Lima Brito
Raphael Alves Gomes Braga
Carla Resende Vaz de Oliveira
Bruno Cezario Costa Reis


Objective: To analyze the prophylactic use of low-dose aspirin, the importance of early diagnosis and its outcome at the end of pregnancy linked to the prevention of preeclampsia. Methods: The methodological approach proposes to describe through an integrative review. The databases used were the National Library of Medicine, Virtual Health Library and Cochrane Library. The descriptors used were: “pre-eclampsia”, “aspirin”, “pregnancy” and “risk factors”. Inclusion criteria were journal articles, clinical trials, clinical trials, randomized or non-randomized, case-control studies, cohort study, free access, published in English, Portuguese, Spanish, between 2012 and 2022. Results: The study analyzed women according to their high degree of risk for developing preeclampsia and evaluated low-dose aspirin prophylaxis. The risk factors that determined whether the pregnant woman had a high degree of preeclampsia (PE) varied between the articles, however, the most cited were: chronic hypertension, advanced age, previous history of preeclampsia, obesity, diabetes, thrombophilia, previous stillbirth, nulliparity, multifetal pregnancy, autoimmune disease and chronic kidney disease. Final considerations: Thus, prophylactic treatment with low doses of aspirin is currently performed, but further studies are still needed.

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How to Cite
HenriquesM. F., NunesL. C., BritoM. L. V. de L., BragaR. A. G., OliveiraC. R. V. de, & ReisB. C. C. (2022). The use of low-dose aspirin in the prevention of pre-eclampsia: a literature review. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Médico, 10, e10376.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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