Postoperative period of elective cosmetic surgery with evolution to Covid-19: a case report

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Jhenifer Ferreira Barros
Amanda Fonseca Alves
Ana Beatriz Souza Machado
Hállefy Ribeiro Araujo
Luana Sertão Felipe Teixeira
Miguel Rassi Fernandes Lopes
Maria Sônia Pereira


Objective: To report the case of a 45-year-old post-operated patient who underwent elective cosmetic surgery who evolved with contamination by Covid-19 and surgical wound infection in the left breast. Case details: The patient initially received corticosteroid therapy due to changes in lactic dehydrogenase (DHL), C-reactive protein and platelet count. In addition, desaturation (80%) had as medical management the adoption of early non-invasive ventilation (NIV) with an oxygen mask at 10 l/min. Antibiotic therapy was indicated and maintained due to the persistence of fever, infection in the surgical wound and in the central venous catheter. The patient developed respiratory and infectious aggravation and was referred to intensive care under mechanical ventilation. Hospital discharge occurred after weaning from oxygen, stabilization of breathing in room air and laboratory and imaging tests at levels compatible with normality. Final considerations: In short, the informative character brought by this case report is notorious, mainly due to the unprecedented and still subjective experience of the Covid-19 disease and their consequences on human health, especially in vulnerable patients.

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How to Cite
BarrosJ. F., AlvesA. F., MachadoA. B. S., AraujoH. R., TeixeiraL. S. F., LopesM. R. F., & PereiraM. S. (2022). Postoperative period of elective cosmetic surgery with evolution to Covid-19: a case report. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Médico, 21, e11335.
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