Underdiagnosis of Leprosy in Brazil during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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João Guilherme Campêlo Brandim de Sá Lopes
Ilana Monteiro da Silva
Maria Gabriela Cavalcante Leal
Artur Moraes de Sousa Ribeiro
Juliano Coimbra Uchôa Leitão
Amanda Fernanda Damasceno Saraiva de Sousa
Sara de Sousa Neves


Objective: To estimate the underdiagnosis of leprosy in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: This is an ecological study. The outcome was the variation in leprosy diagnoses in Brazil in 2020. Demographic and clinical variables were considered. The Z-Score was calculated by comparing the cases diagnosed in 2020 with the average of those diagnosed in the previous five-year period. Results: All Federated Units showed a reduction of about 39% of leprosy cases, with the exception of the Federal District. This drop occurred after March/April, coinciding with the worsening of the Covid-19 pandemic. The variation was greater in populations with lower schooling, age and milder forms of the disease. Collective exams and referrals showed a greater negative variation, corroborating the interruption of prevention campaigns. Conclusion: There was a 39.18% reduction in leprosy diagnoses in the country. The Federal District showed an increase in diagnoses, which can be attributed to campaigns in the pre-Pandemic period.

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How to Cite
LopesJ. G. C. B. de S., SilvaI. M. da, LealM. G. C., RibeiroA. M. de S., LeitãoJ. C. U., SousaA. F. D. S. de, & NevesS. de S. (2022). Underdiagnosis of Leprosy in Brazil during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Médico, 20, e11172. https://doi.org/10.25248/reamed.e11172.2022
Artigos Originais


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