Different imaging methods in the evaluation of adenoid hypertrophy

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Andressa Lucri Ribeiro
Bruna De Almeida Faria
Edson Santos Barcellos
Lívia Sotero
Maria Julia Martins
Maria Silvia Menésio Santos
Thamara de Oliveira Carreira
Verônica Aparecida da Silva
Vitória Freitas Moysés
Rafael de Medeiros Vasconcelos


Objective: To analyze the use of imaging and its qualitative and quantitative analyzes for the diagnosis of adenoid hypertrophy. Bibliographic review: Adenoid hypertrophy causes several symptoms, such as mouth breathing, snoring and nasal obstruction. The adenoids reach a peak between 3 and 7 years of age, which then atrophy as the patient ages. Currently, there are several methods used to investigate this situation, such as static two-dimensional images and dynamic three-dimensional ones. Among the two-dimensional methods, there is the cavum radiography, which provides limited information on such a complex region, although it is often performed by otorhinolaryngologists. As for the three-dimensional types, the most important is videonasolaryngoscopy due to the direct visualization of nasopharyngeal structures. Also, magnetic resonance imaging can be used in these cases due to its usefulness in differentiating between benign and malignant lesions. Each diagnostic method has its advantages and disadvantages, but they are necessary because the clinical evaluation is very subjective and nonspecific. Final considerations: Due to the individual characteristics of each exam and the volume of analysis methods, it is difficult to establish which is the best exam to be used, requiring more studies to corroborate or refute the existing literature.

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How to Cite
RibeiroA. L., FariaB. D. A., BarcellosE. S., SoteroL., MartinsM. J., SantosM. S. M., CarreiraT. de O., SilvaV. A. da, MoysésV. F., & VasconcelosR. de M. (2023). Different imaging methods in the evaluation of adenoid hypertrophy. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Médico, 23(11), e14428. https://doi.org/10.25248/reamed.e14428.2023
Revisão Bibliográfica


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