There is something new in the Psychosis: a Freudian-Lacanian perspective

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Francis Juliana Fontana


Objectives: To review the Freudian studies about psychosis, in which psychotic delusion is taken as an attempt to cure, and the Lacanian thinking, who reviewed the clinic and the treatment of these subjects through the formation of language phenomena. Methods: The theoretical analysis of Freudian and Lacanian texts was carried out, highlighting the divergence between the two authors regarding the indication of the psychoanalytic technique to psychotics. Results: The concept of transfer marks the fundamental paradigm of the process. The impossibility of the psychotic establishing a transferential relationship was denounced by Freud. In Lacan, there is evidence that announces the transferential phenomenon as a support of the speech action. Final considerations: It is because delusion has failed in the attempt of the psychotic to organize his world, that he can address his speech to a psychoanalyst and demand an analysis. Thus, even if the process does not occur, the relationship is effective. In this sense, this listening can give the psychotic the possibility of building a new place in the world beyond the psychiatric closure.

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How to Cite
FontanaF. J. (2019). There is something new in the Psychosis: a Freudian-Lacanian perspective. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 11(11), e1034.
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