Profile of doctors graduated from a federal institution of Minas Gerais

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Brunnella Alcantara Chagas de Freitas
Higor José de Souza
Kelvin de Oliveira Rocha
Bruno David Henriques
Débora Carvalho Ferreira
Felipe de Oliveira Martins
Ana Laura Alcantara Chagas de Freitas
Luiz Frederico Chagas de Freitas


Objective: To analyze the sociodemographic, training and performance profile of physicians graduated from a federal institution in Minas Gerais. Methods: The data collection method was an online questionnaire, sent to trained physicians between December 2015 and January 2019. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: Most of the two volunteers were female, young, single, totally or largely aware of the National Curriculum Guidelines (NCG) and the pedagogical project of the medical course. The course contributed totally or in large part to training in basic care, humanistic and general medical, reflexive criticism and ethics. Most of them participated in at least three extracurricular academic activities: academic leagues, extension and research projects. Currently, most of the graduates are completing their studies, except for one medical residency, which is concentrated in Minas Gerais, in the macro- and micro-regional areas. There was a predominance of graduates prepared for the job market and competent in care, education and health management. Conclusion: Most graduates reported having acquired the skills recommended by the NCG.

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How to Cite
FreitasB. A. C. de, SouzaH. J. de, RochaK. de O., HenriquesB. D., FerreiraD. C., MartinsF. de O., FreitasA. L. A. C. de, & FreitasL. F. C. de. (2022). Profile of doctors graduated from a federal institution of Minas Gerais. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(6), e10601.
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