Association between a Chikungunya infection virus and the development of serious forms of the disease: a systematic review

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Ana Carolina Aguiar Cardoso
Vitor Monte de Castro Alencar
Lucas Carvalho Soares
Talita Fonsêca Terto
Wanessa Landim Porto
Ana Rachel Oliveira de Andrade
Antonio de Pádua Rocha Nóbrega Neto
Antonione Santos Bezerra Pinto
José Lopes Pereira Júnior
Priscila Favoritto Lopes
Thiago de Souza Lopes Araújo
Vanessa Poleana Silva
Tereza Cristina de Carvalho Souza Garcês


Objective: To perform a systematic review of the literature on the association between Chikungunya virus infection (CHIKV) and the development of severe forms of the disease. Methods: This is a descriptive systematic review developed through the selection of articles in the Scielo and PubMed databases, between the years 2014 and 2017, in the Portuguese, Spanish and English languages. Using the descriptors: Chikungunya; Chikungunya fever; Severe forms; Arboviroses; Chronic forms; Fight against aedes. Results: The great potential of CHIKV in the development of severe forms and its contribution to debilitating sequelae in patients was observed based on the research. Conclusion: Chikungunya fever aggravations have been responsible for the involvement of various organs of the human body. In addition, it has the potential to decompensate pre-existing comorbidities in patients. In this way, the virus is capable of developing severe symptoms and debilitating sequelae. Due to this, studies regarding these agravos and complications, even if still insufficient and inconclusive, are extremely important for the management of this infection.

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How to Cite
CardosoA. C. A., AlencarV. M. de C., SoaresL. C., TertoT. F., PortoW. L., de AndradeA. R. O., Nóbrega NetoA. de P. R., Bezerra PintoA. S., Pereira JúniorJ. L., LopesP. F., Lopes AraújoT. de S., SilvaV. P., & Souza GarcêsT. C. de C. (2019). Association between a Chikungunya infection virus and the development of serious forms of the disease: a systematic review. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 11(15), e1066.
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