Clinical-epidemiological profile and temporal trend of mortality from skin and soft tissue neoplasms in Brazil, between 1999 and 2019

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Ludmylla Teixeira Soares
Armanda Ingris Vieira de Lima
Edilson Pamplona Boulhosa
Fernanda Mayara de Oliveira Vasconcelos
Juliana Viana da Costa
Igor Nelson Costa de Melo Palmeirinha
Valéria Amanda Gama da Luz
Maria Helena Rodrigues de Mendonça


Objective: To analyze the clinical-epidemiological profile of mortality from skin and soft tissue neoplasms in Brazil, between 1999 and 2019. Methods: Observational study of mortality from malignant neoplasm of the skin, mesothelial tissue and soft tissues (100,000) and socioeconomic and care characteristics in Brazil. Results: There was an increase in mortality in the period for skin neoplasms: South (1.6-3.8), Southeast (1.1-2.3), Midwest (0.8-2), Northeast (0.5-2.1) and North (0.3-1.3), especially in Rio Grande do Sul (64.7/100mil); mesothelioma and soft tissues: SU (0.8-1.8), S (0.9-1.7), CO (0,5-1,6), NO (0,5-1,4) and N (0,3-1), being Rio Grande do Norte (35,1/100mil). Socioeconomic characteristics, better indicators for S, SU and CO; in the assistance to the three neoplasms, higher mortality in men (36.2/100mil, 1.1/100mil and 23.5/100), over 60 years (205.1/100mil, 5.3/100mil and 105.6/100mil), white race (79.1%, 74.8% and 62.5%); skin and soft tissue cancer, with no family history (58.9% and 56.3%), grade I (76.9%-skin) and IV (36.9%-soft) and surgical treatment protocol (80% and 24.9%). Conclusion: There was an increase in mortality, therefore, the relevance of care issues of prevention, diagnosis and timely treatment is corroborated.

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How to Cite
SoaresL. T., LimaA. I. V. de, BoulhosaE. P., VasconcelosF. M. de O., CostaJ. V. da, PalmeirinhaI. N. C. de M., LuzV. A. G. da, & MendonçaM. H. R. de. (2022). Clinical-epidemiological profile and temporal trend of mortality from skin and soft tissue neoplasms in Brazil, between 1999 and 2019. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(8), e10695.
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