Family perceptions about the emotional support received by nursing during neonatal intensive hospitalization

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Bruna Kolcheski Jordani
Rossano Sartori Dal Molin


Objective: To describe the emotional support received and experienced by family members of newborns admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, by the nursing team. Methods: This is a qualitative exploratory-descriptive research, where data collection was carried out through a semi-structured interview, which has a combination of open and closed-ended questions on the proposed topic. The participants were parents/relatives of newborns admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit at a philanthropic hospital in a city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. Results: Through the research, it was possible to identify that feelings are ambivalent in regarding the team, that being the parents claims to have found hard to differentiate the members of the team, and, at the same time, feeling grateful for the care. Therefore, they attribute the prevalence of positive emotions to the place and the team when they notice care and attention provided by professionals during their stay next to their children. Conclusion: It was concluded through the reports presented that the perceptions of parents/relatives regarding the place and the team, is directly related to attention given to them and their children.

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How to Cite
JordaniB. K., & MolinR. S. D. (2022). Family perceptions about the emotional support received by nursing during neonatal intensive hospitalization. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(9), e10718.
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