Knowledge Scale of Sexually Transmitted Infections, under the Response Theory approach

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Patrícia Martinez Echevenguá
Alex Sandra Avila Minasi
Laura Fontoura Perim
Lisiane Ortiz Teixeira
Carla Vitola Gonçalves


Objective: To develop a reduced scale of the Questionnaire on Knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD-KQ) in the Deprived Population, based on Response Theory. Methods: Validation with 571 men and women deprived of their liberty in a penitentiary police station in the extreme south of the country. through the STD-KQ Questionnaire, with 27 items, self-administered. Analyzed by Item Response Theory, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency by Cronbach's alpha and item relevance by point biserial correlation. Estimation of item parameters by the 2-parameter logistic model and elaboration of the latent trait scale. Results: Better psychometrically adjusted items were kept, 5 items were excluded. The calibration scale, with 22 items, between the range of 50 to 70. Despite the level 50 representing the average of the scores of the 571 respondents, at this level the instrument is not possible to assess knowledge with lower estimates. Thus, the instrument evaluated individuals with above-average knowledge when considering the population deprived of liberty. Conclusion: The reduced scale version of the STD-KQ questionnaire remained with 22 items, with discriminative qualities, and relatively average and difficult for the study population.

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How to Cite
EchevenguáP. M., MinasiA. S. A., PerimL. F., TeixeiraL. O., & GonçalvesC. V. (2022). Knowledge Scale of Sexually Transmitted Infections, under the Response Theory approach. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(11), e10967.
Artigos Originais


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