Mental disorders: exacerbation of the phobic and compulsive personality in times of pandemic

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Ícaro Almeida Ladeia
Letícia Almeida Ladeia
Danilo Rocha Santos Caracas
Pedro Henrique Nogueira Barbosa
Daniel dos Santos Costa
Douglas Emanuel Oliveira Souza
Sanny Mikaelly Bomfim Almeida Santos
Vinicius Batista de Carvalho
Gustavo Alves Cangussú
José Renato Muniz Costa Filho


Objective: To understand the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the exacerbation of phobia characteristics, compulsiveness, and the repercussion of these changes in the life of the patient. Review bibliographic: Coronaphobia is related to the extreme fear of contracting the infection and presents physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms. According to the current demands of the pandemic, it is noted that some factors related to the phobia of being contaminated started to cause an aggravation of the symptoms of compulsiveness in people who are already predisposed, such as: increased need to wash their hands; need for some specific steps in this washing process and the obsession with keeping your hands clean. In addition to the constant thought about the possibility of the virus staying active on some surfaces and increasing the thought of contamination. Storage of sanitizers, soaps, among other products that can generate accumulation, that is, countless attitudes that are characteristics of compulsiveness and obsession. Final considerations: The pandemic was the important factor for the establishment and stimulation of signs and symptoms related to the characteristics of compulsion and phobia both in predisposing individuals and in those who did not show traces of these psychiatric disorders.

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How to Cite
Ladeia Ícaro A., LadeiaL. A., CaracasD. R. S., BarbosaP. H. N., CostaD. dos S., SouzaD. E. O., SantosS. M. B. A., CarvalhoV. B. de, CangussúG. A., & Costa FilhoJ. R. M. (2022). Mental disorders: exacerbation of the phobic and compulsive personality in times of pandemic. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(9), e10976.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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