Knowledge of the physiotherapist in primary health care about the professional performance in patients with hansen’s disease

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Ingrid Macedo da Costa
Arthur Thiago Nunes de Morais
Rodolfo Gomes do Nascimento
João Paulo Menezes Lima
Maria Elenilda do Milagre Alves dos Santos
George Alberto da Silva Dias
Biatriz Araújo Cardoso Dias


Objective: To verify the knowledge of the Physical Therapist of Primary Health Care about the professional performance in patients with leprosy. Methods: The sample consisted of 9 physical therapists working in PHC who underwent a structured interview about knowledge and physical therapy conduct with leprosy patients. For data analysis, the Bardin content analysis method was used. Results: From the data analysis, three categories were elaborated, which were: Physiotherapeutic Assessment based on simplified neurological assessment; Health education based on guidelines on self-care and health surveillance and Physiotherapeutic management in leprosy patients. Conclusion: The study showed that there is a need for greater knowledge of physical therapists working in PHC about their conduct in patients with leprosy, as there are few studies on this topic within the context of Physiotherapy, as well as greater encouragement by the municipality in training of your professionals.

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How to Cite
CostaI. M. da, MoraisA. T. N. de, NascimentoR. G. do, LimaJ. P. M., SantosM. E. do M. A. dos, DiasG. A. da S., & DiasB. A. C. (2022). Knowledge of the physiotherapist in primary health care about the professional performance in patients with hansen’s disease. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(9), e10998.
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