The influence of self-care and sources of social support in the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus

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Roberta Ellen Santos Oliveira
Ana Laura Ferreira Batista
Bernardo Saraiva Resende de Camargos
Eduarda Lara Feres de Oliveira
Isabela Cristina de Oliveira Campos
Isabela Faria Monteiro
Patrícia Regina Guimarães


Objective: Understand through a narrative review how self-care and sources of social support influence the management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM1). Bibliographic review: DM1 is an autoimmune disease resulting from the destruction of pancreatic β cells, resulting in a complete deficiency in the production of insulin. It is one of the most common chronic conditions in childhood and its initial clinical manifestations are, in general, abrupt. The diagnosis of DM1 is similar to that of the adult individual and the decompensated diabetic patient may present some clinical complications. Self-care is a fundamental component in the management of DM1, as it promotes the person's involvement in their treatment and greater adherence to the therapeutic regimen, minimizing complications and disabilities associated with chronic problems. Social support is also a beneficial strategy for effectively coping with DM1, since it is a way of offering support, affective, emotional and material support. Final considerations: DM1 is a constant challenge for its patients, given the present difficulty in adhering to the new lifestyle and the behavioral changes necessary to promote an effective control of the disease. Therefore, self-care and sources of social support become positive influences in the management of DM1.

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How to Cite
OliveiraR. E. S., BatistaA. L. F., CamargosB. S. R. de, OliveiraE. L. F. de, CamposI. C. de O., MonteiroI. F., & GuimarãesP. R. (2022). The influence of self-care and sources of social support in the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(11), e11043.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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