Consequences of psychoactive substance abuse from the perspective of female users

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Keity Laís Siepmann Soccol
Marlene Gomes Terra
Zaira Letícia Tisott
Martha Helena Teixeira de Souza
Carla Lizandra de Lima Ferreira
Andressa da Silveira
Patricia Cristiane da Costa Dutra
Paola Piovenzano de Soliz
Mara Regina Caino Teixeira Marchiori
Daiana Foggiato de Siqueira


Objective: To understand the consequences of the abuse of psychoactive substances from the perspective of women users of a Psychosocial Care Center for alcohol and drugs. Methods: Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, carried out in a Psychosocial Care Center, located in a city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, with 20 women who use psychoactive substances. Data were collected through open interviews, between February and May 2017. The interviews were closed when there was data saturation, and analyzed using the Thematic Analysis technique. Results: The consequences of psychoactive substance abuse cause women to lose their jobs, have difficulties in maintaining family relationships, are exposed to the risk of violence and traffic accidents, as well as cause several damages to women's health. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of care focused on social and health demands and that take into account gender differences when assisting women.

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How to Cite
SoccolK. L. S., TerraM. G., TisottZ. L., SouzaM. H. T. de, FerreiraC. L. de L., SilveiraA. da, DutraP. C. da C., SolizP. P. de, MarchioriM. R. C. T., & SiqueiraD. F. de. (2022). Consequences of psychoactive substance abuse from the perspective of female users. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(11), e11160.
Artigos Originais


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