Knowledge of teachers and employees of basic education on first aid in school environment

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Andrei Pompeu Antunes
Silvana Bastos Cogo
Ariele Priebe Reisdorfer
Vanúzia Sari
Aline Gomes Ilha
Graciela Dutra Sehnem
Elisabeta Albertina Nietsche
Graziele de Lima Dalmolin
Elise de Fátima Rodrigues Dias
Márcio Rossato Badke


Objective: Evaluate the knowledge of teachers and employees in basic education of the municipal network of the Fourth Colony of Italian Immigration, state of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil, on first aid in the school environment, after training required by the Lucas Law. Methods: This is a quantitative survey, of descriptive-exploratory character with cross-sectional approach. The participants were 50 teachers and 22 employees from 25 educational institutions. The collection of data occurred through the application of an online questionnaire in the Google Forms sent by email, in the period from August to October 2020. In the analysis, descriptive statistics were used. Results: There was an average of 62,93 correct answers, which corresponded to 87.4%. Highlighting the questions about: school conduct after urgent and emergency situation (100%) and identification of airway obstruction (98.6%). Conclusion: The training was beneficial for the knowledge of teachers and staff about first aid in the school environment, there is significant retention of knowledge about one year after its occurrence.

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How to Cite
AntunesA. P., CogoS. B., ReisdorferA. P., SariV., IlhaA. G., SehnemG. D., NietscheE. A., DalmolinG. de L., DiasE. de F. R., & BadkeM. R. (2022). Knowledge of teachers and employees of basic education on first aid in school environment. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(11), e11224.
Artigos Originais


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