Experience of maternity for mothers of prematures transferred to the Pediatric Hospitality Unit

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Liliam Varaschini Teixeira
Graciela Dutra Sehnem
Raquel Einloft Kleinubing
Giovana Batistella de Mello
Brenda Machado de Andrade
Silvana Bastos Cogo


Objective: To analyze the repercussions on the experience of motherhood for mothers of premature children transferred from the Neonatal ICU to the Pediatric Inpatient Unit. Methods: Descriptive and qualitative study, with a university hospital in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul as the setting. The participants were eight mothers of premature children transferred from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to the Pediatric Inpatient Unit. Data collection was carried out in October and November 2021, using the semi-structured interview technique, which was carried out in person, following the prevention standards against Covid-19. Data were subjected to thematic analysis. Results: Hospitalization in the pediatric unit provided greater contact between the mother and the child, favoring the strengthening of the bond. The Pediatric Inpatient Unit was considered a more peaceful environment for mothers to prepare for the moment after hospital discharge. Conclusion: The experience of motherhood in a hospital environment, specifically in the Pediatric Inpatient Unit, required greater commitment and dedication from mothers to provide the necessary support for the premature baby.

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How to Cite
TeixeiraL. V., SehnemG. D., KleinubingR. E., MelloG. B. de, AndradeB. M. de, & CogoS. B. (2022). Experience of maternity for mothers of prematures transferred to the Pediatric Hospitality Unit. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(12), e11284. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e11284.2022
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