Health of transgender women on the streets

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Keila Cristina Costa Barros
Andréia Vanessa Carneiro de Morais
Edméia de Almeida Cardoso Coelho
Marília Emanuela Ferreira de Jesus
Ranna Danielle Doria de Araújo
Jeane Freitas de Oliveira


Objective: To identify the approach to the health of homeless transgender women in scientific productions. Methods: Integrative review carried out in the following sources: Scientific Electronic Library Online, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online and Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde. The following descriptors were used: “transgender persons”, “health” and “Homeless persons” in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The research was carried out following the recommendations of the Prisma flowchart and support of the EndNote Web software, submitted to Bardin's content analysis. Results: 7 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, in which social vulnerability and its impact on health was shown through the lack of housing, experience of physical and verbal violence and social exclusion. Final Considerations: This integrative review mostly addressed vulnerability and intersectional discrimination related to the health issue of transgender women living on the streets, requiring care strategies, thus offering these women the means to have the opportunity for a healthy life.

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How to Cite
BarrosK. C. C., MoraisA. V. C. de, CoelhoE. de A. C., JesusM. E. F. de, AraújoR. D. D. de, & OliveiraJ. F. de. (2023). Health of transgender women on the streets. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(2), e11698.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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