Health and work of alternative transportation drivers

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Adriana Brandão Ribeiro
Fernanda Matos Fernandes Castelo Branco
Tancredo Castelo Branco Neto


Objective: to characterize the health and work conditions of alternative transportation drivers. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out with 40 drivers in the city of Oiapoque, in the period of February and March of 2018. A closed questionnaire was used that addresses aspects of the drivers' perception of their health and work. Results: 42.5% have stress, 52.5% do not have a posture and spine problem,52.5% sometimes feel headaches, 90% have a cold and the flu, 70.3% have dry cough, 55.3% have 62.5% sometimes feel nervous, 65% are depressed, 50% have anxiety, 52.5% feel fear, 52.5% have anxiety, 73% have insomnia, 57.5% have anxiety, fatigue and sleep, 56.4% have some degree of obesity, 7.7% have heart problems (hypertension and palpitations), 2.6% have diabetes. Conclusion: Based on the results, the importance of reflective discussions about vulnerability is emphasized, as well as the need for more specific studies with this clientele in order to guide educational strategies geared to this class, considering the health and work aspects.

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How to Cite
RibeiroA. B., Castelo BrancoF. M. F., & Branco NetoT. C. (2019). Health and work of alternative transportation drivers. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 11(13), e1189.
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