Implications of screen time on the neuropsychomotor development of autistic children

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Clara Monteiro Leitão
Umberto Marinho de Lima Júnior
Milena Nunes Alves de Sousa


Objective: To verify the impacts of Screen Time on the development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Methods: This is an integrative literature review, whose guiding question is: “Do pediatric patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder have greater implications for neuropsychomotor development when using Screen Time?”. The Health Science Descriptors (DeCS) adopted in English were: “Autism Spectrum Disorder”, Children and “Screen Time”. The studies were obtained from the electronic database: US National Library of Medicine National institutes of Health (PubMed) and from the libraries: The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Virtual Health Library (BVS). Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, culminating in 07 articles included after screening. Results: 41,66% of the publications showed the existence of problems in social communication, 33.33% of them stated that the symptoms of autistic disorder worsened or the appearance of them in children exposed to screens, in addition, 16,66% stated that there were problems in the quality of sleep and 8,33% demonstrate the emergence of overweight and obesity in children with ASD who use mesh. Final considerations: The findings suggest implications for the development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder when exposed to Screen Time.

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How to Cite
LeitãoC. M., Lima JúniorU. M. de, & SousaM. N. A. de. (2023). Implications of screen time on the neuropsychomotor development of autistic children. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(3), e11970.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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