Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Janielle Bandeira Melo
Nalma Alexandra Rocha de Carvalho Poty
Marta Silva de Santana
Poliana Bezerra de Albuquerque
Maxwell Cabral Ferreira
Carina Santos Faray
Erika Maria do Nascimento Sá
Maria Alexandra Fontinelle Pereira
Roama Paulo Ulisses Vaz da Costa
Francisca Paula Lopes Lima


Objective: To describe, through the scientific literature, about pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bibliographic review: During the COVID-19 pandemic, different strategies were used to ensure health care for women in the puerperal pregnancy cycle. Despite these efforts, in Brazil, there were several restrictions, including the support network for services, which exacerbated loneliness and symptoms in this public. The importance of providing support to pregnant and postpartum women is highlighted to reduce feelings of isolation, in order to soften the consequences for mental health. Even in an adverse scenario, the rights of these women must be respected. Final considerations: It is urgent to provide a support network and psychosocial support to women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Otherwise, adverse events may occur during pregnancy and therefore affect both the mother and the newborn. Interpersonal support and social connection are protective against the development of psychic symptoms.

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How to Cite
MeloJ. B., PotyN. A. R. de C., SantanaM. S. de, AlbuquerqueP. B. de, FerreiraM. C., FarayC. S., SáE. M. do N., PereiraM. A. F., CostaR. P. U. V. da, & LimaF. P. L. (2023). Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium during the COVID-19 pandemic. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(3), e11978.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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