Mandibular angle fracture treated

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Luiz Gilberto Tenório Malta Gaia
Micael Luiz Sabino dos Santos
Lorena Gabrielle Alves Teixeira
Camila Holanda Cavalcante Matos
Davy Buarque de Souza Pimentel
Luciano Viana Binas Junior
João Correia da Silva Neto
Deborah Pereira de Oliveira
Lilian Stefanne Vital de Andrade
Lucas Fortes Cavalcanti de Macêdo


Objective: To describe mandibular angle fractures, in which the proposed treatment was using the champy technique. Bibliographic review: Facial trauma is becoming more and more common in the population and mandibular fractures are more prevalent in traffic accidents and physical aggressions, affecting the anatomical structures of the face, with the body and condyle being the most affected. The coronoid process is the least affected, thus requiring an effective treatment from the professional. The proposed treatment allows the champy technique to be performed with confidence, as it presents complications. Added to this, it may allow for a short surgical time when other techniques are discovered, better postoperative period, low complication rates, in addition to reducing possible nerve injuries. Final Considerations: Whit the completion of this study, it is evident that the champy technique allows for a reduction in surgical time when compared to other techniques, tissue dissection and low rates of complications.

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How to Cite
GaiaL. G. T. M., SantosM. L. S. dos, TeixeiraL. G. A., MatosC. H. C., PimentelD. B. de S., Binas JuniorL. V., Silva NetoJ. C. da, OliveiraD. P. de, AndradeL. S. V. de, & MacêdoL. F. C. de. (2023). Mandibular angle fracture treated. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(4), e12205.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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