Temporomandibular dysfunction associated with the digital world and psychological factors

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Maria Nathalia Soares Pontes
Vanessa de Carla Batista dos Santos
Miríade Lima de Oliveira
Max Heitor de Brito Lins
Katharina Jucá de Moraes Fernandes


Objective: To perform a literature review on the relationship between temporomandibular disorders and their catalysis arising from psychological factors during internet use. Bibliographic review: Temporomandibular disorder can be caused by psychological factors, uniting psychology and dentistry, in which the psychological component is related to the cases of joint dysfunction. The knowledge of the dental surgeon in relation to the interaction of patients in the immediacy of virtual relationships and psychological issues should be taken into consideration, in order to bring about a greater area of exploration of the origin of this joint alteration and provide a greater relationship and understanding of the case between professional and patient. Final considerations: With this narrative review it was possible to observe that most of the joint disorders have a chronic psychological origin, emphasizing the importance of the integration between the psychological and dental knowledge areas in providing a comprehensive care and correct treatment to the patients with this dysfunction. 

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How to Cite
PontesM. N. S., SantosV. de C. B. dos, OliveiraM. L. de, LinsM. H. de B., & FernandesK. J. de M. (2023). Temporomandibular dysfunction associated with the digital world and psychological factors. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(3), e12392. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e12392.2023
Revisão Bibliográfica


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