Music as a humanization instrument in women's health

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Daniela Fonseca Rodrigues
Cristiane Matos Nogueira
Patrícia Costa dos Santos da Silva
Leila de Fátima Oliveira Caixeta
Efigênia Aparecida Maciel de Freitas
Maria das Graças Alves da Silva
Adriana Elisa dos Santos Terra
Dayane Gonçalves Felisbino
Amância Severino da Costa
Adams Ferreira Brandão
Anna Carolina Faria Sassioto Teixeira
Dênis Willian de Oliveira Dias
Lívia Ferreira Oliveira


Objective: To describe the experience of the musical meetings of the Humanizar't group in nursing care in the health care of women. Experience Report: The Humanizar't group holds musical meetings in various sectors of a public hospital of medium and high complexity, located in the Triângulo Mineiro region. The musical interventions took place in the Pre- delivery room, in the early care of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Maternity, between the months of July and October 2018. The intervention used the live music feature "a capela", songs recorded in Mp3 format and acoustic music the potentialities and weaknesses of the musical practices developed by the Humanizar't group in the nursing care in the health care of the woman, as complementary therapy that meets the guidelines of the humanized childbirth were verified. Music acts as a modifying instrument of the environment, capable of influencing the change in emotional state, as well as an element of interaction between health professionals and women. Conclusion: It is important to implement warm and humane practices, such as musical encounters, in nursing care in the process of health production, autonomy, establishment of links and protagonism in women's health.

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How to Cite
RodriguesD. F., NogueiraC. M., da SilvaP. C. dos S., CaixetaL. de F. O., de FreitasE. A. M., da SilvaM. das G. A., TerraA. E. dos S., FelisbinoD. G., da CostaA. S., BrandãoA. F., TeixeiraA. C. F. S., DiasD. W. de O., & OliveiraL. F. (2019). Music as a humanization instrument in women’s health. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 11(13), e1250.
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