The nurse's care to the patient undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer

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Caio Sarmento Barbosa
Ana Clara Oliveira Mozzer
Tathiane Souza de Oliveira
Thamires Silva Rocha


Objective: To describe the adverse effects of radiotherapy, nursing diagnoses related to the effects and the actions of nurses towards patients. Methods: This is an integrative review of the last five years in databases such as PubMed and the Google Scholar search engine, referring to the occurrence of adverse effects of radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer, as well as the care of nurses. Results: Most studies showed that the main adverse effects are related to psychobiological and psychosocial domains such as nutrition, comfort, activity and rest that affect the quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer, leading this population to develop malnutrition, depression, anxiety and fatigue. Final considerations: Patients with head and neck cancer are susceptible to adverse effects such as radiodermatitis, xerostomia and mucositis that can cause nutritional and psychological negative effects. The low production of articles related to diagnoses and nursing conduct during the treatment of patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer is evident.

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How to Cite
BarbosaC. S., MozzerA. C. O., OliveiraT. S. de, & RochaT. S. (2023). The nurse’s care to the patient undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(4), e12570.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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