Knowledge and training of nurses about palliative care

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Mônica Eduarda Oliveira dos Santos
Maria de Lourdes Borges Colares
Rita de Cássia de Holanda Pessoa Porto
Luara Mirela Poderoso Brito
Leonardo Yardley Lima Oliveira
Leoaldo Santana
Herifrania Tourinho Aragão


Objective: Check nurses’ knowledge and training strategies about palliative care in terminally ill patients. Methods: This is an integrative, qualitative and exploratory review. The textual search took place in July and August of 2022, through the following databases: Database in Nursing (BDENF), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), PuBMed, Acervo+ Base Index and Google Scholar. The descriptors registered in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS): Palliative Care, Knowledge, Professional Training and Nurses were used, as well as the Boolean operators and/ and or/ou. 40 studies were identified in the research, among which, 20 were selected for the article. Results: It is noticed that training in Palliative Care in undergraduate health is still considered insufficient, since the absence of a specific discipline and continuous professional training on the subject prevents professionals from providing the best possible assistance. Final considerations: Despite being an essential profession in the provision of palliative care, it is necessary to expand the teaching and qualification of professionals about palliative care to guarantee quality care for palliative patients.

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How to Cite
SantosM. E. O. dos, ColaresM. de L. B., PortoR. de C. de H. P., BritoL. M. P., OliveiraL. Y. L., SantanaL., & AragãoH. T. (2023). Knowledge and training of nurses about palliative care. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(4), e12606.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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