Potential Risks to Human Health and Environmental with the Use of Mercury in the Artisanal Gold Mining Activity in the Upper Madeira River, Western Amazon

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Roberto Pinto Monte Junior
Wanderley Rodrigues Bastos
Isabela Esteves Cury Coutinho
Izidro Ferreira de Sousa Filho


Objective: To present recent results on the existence of mercury in compartments in human metabolism, caused by gold exploration in the environmental protection area of ​​the Madeira River, and to record the changes in legislation regarding gold mining activity. Bibliographic review: The upper Madeira River, especially in the Environmental Protection Area (APA), has been impacted as a result of activities related to artisanal gold mining, deforestation and burning, these for logging, agriculture and hydroelectric projects. All these activities end up contributing to the release and cycling of mercury (Hg) in the Amazon ecosystem and, consequently, putting the traditional riverside population at risk of exposure to methylmercury (MeHg). Final considerations: From the point of view of human exposure to MeHg, monitoring procedures promoted by the health area should be adopted, especially in the more isolated riverside communities that could be connected to the Family Health program.

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How to Cite
Monte JuniorR. P., BastosW. R., CoutinhoI. E. C., & Sousa FilhoI. F. de. (2023). Potential Risks to Human Health and Environmental with the Use of Mercury in the Artisanal Gold Mining Activity in the Upper Madeira River, Western Amazon. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(6), e12840. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e12840.2023
Revisão Bibliográfica


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