The use of moldable synthetic splint for positioning in patients in an emergency hospital: a case series

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Éder Kröeff Cardoso
Carolina Duarte
Valeska de Moura Gomes Minuscolli
Camila Zanette Oppermann
Luís Henrique Telles da Rosa


Objective: To identify some of the main applications of synthetic splints through a series of cases description, from patients admitted in an Emergency Hospital, who wore positioning splints, accompanied by the physiotherapy team. Detail of cases: Case series research. The sample was composed by 4 trauma patients, admitted to an Emergency Hospital in a city on Rio Grande do Sul / Brazil. The aspects of applicability and recommendation of positional splints were registered and presented at this article. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Final Considerations: The use of synthetic splints for the appropriate positioning of hospitalized patients may be an alternative to avoid deformities and to promote better functionality. The making of the splints requires knowledge about the materials used, as well as the main joint and functional alterations involved in trauma during the acute phase.

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How to Cite
Cardoso Éder K., DuarteC., MinuscolliV. de M. G., OppermannC. Z., & RosaL. H. T. da. (2023). The use of moldable synthetic splint for positioning in patients in an emergency hospital: a case series. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(9), e12873.
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