Experiences of nursing students in academic tutoring in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic

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Thaís Araújo da Silva
Rayara Medeiros Duarte Luz
Ruth Silva dos Santos
Mariana Rodrigues Buarque de Vasconcelos
Maria Gabryelle Jatobá Pereira de Brito
Ryanne Carolynne Marques Gomes Mendes


Objective: To report the experiences of nursing students during academic tutoring in the discipline of Scientific Research Methodology I, in the context of emergency remote teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. Experience report: The experiences and challenges of tutoring in that discipline were listed; evidenced the development of virtual teaching-learning, which integrated several educational technologies to streamline and contextualize the classes taught; pointed to difficulties related to virtual communication, internet connection failures, adapting to remote teaching, and lack of training to handle digital technologies and social interaction. Final considerations: It is considered that the tutoring, during emergency remote teaching, provided new experiences for the monitors and stimuli in the search for innovations for the teaching-learning process in the virtual environment; and that, despite the challenges, the proposed objectives of the monitoring were achieved in view of the positive evaluation and the notorious assimilation of the content observed in the monitored ones.

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How to Cite
SilvaT. A. da, LuzR. M. D., SantosR. S. dos, VasconcelosM. R. B. de, BritoM. G. J. P. de, & MendesR. C. M. G. (2023). Experiences of nursing students in academic tutoring in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(9), e13613. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e13613.2023
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