Health education at school from the perspective of the pedagogical team: from needs to strategies

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Ricardo Aymay Gonçalves
Francielle Dutra da Silva
Edith Almeida Pinto
Juliana Casarotto
Manuela Dalenogare
Juliana Silveira Colomé


Objective: To analyze the conceptions of a pedagogical team about the educational actions developed in the school scenario with the participation of an interprofessional health team. Methods: It was developed in an Elementary School in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, together with the members of the pedagogical team of the place, in the second semester of the year 2019, in a complementary way to periodic actions of health education. The data collection technique used was the focus group. The data were submitted to Discursive Textual Analysis. Results: The team recognizes the need action, especially in relation to body care, food and mental health. The team acts through daily supervision, but in a non-systematized way. The actions of the health team were considered important because they complement school education, providing links between the school and the municipal health system, as well as the access of students to health care. Conclusion: The pedagogical team was able to increase situational awareness in relation to the health area, just as the health team was able to rethink the actions to meet the demands of the school.

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How to Cite
GonçalvesR. A., SilvaF. D. da, PintoE. A., CasarottoJ., DalenogareM., & ColoméJ. S. (2023). Health education at school from the perspective of the pedagogical team: from needs to strategies. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(12), e13985.
Artigos Originais


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