Use of mental disorders screening instruments in Primary Care

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Sara Rezende Medeiros
Marília Daniella Machado Araújo
Daniela Viganó Zanoti Jeronymo
Tatiana da Silva Melo Malaquias
Kátia Pereira de Borba
Dannyele Cristina da Silva
Raphaella Rosa Horst Massuqueto
Tatiane Baratieri


Objective: To analyze the use of screening instruments for common mental disorders in Primary Care. Methods: Integrative review carried out in the Virtual Health Library and PubMed. Considering the eligibility criteria, 25 studies published in the period from 2010 to 2020 were selected. Results: There was a predominance of authorship in the area of Medicine, four had collaboration from Nursing, with only one of exclusive authorship. All quantitative studies, two of which were methodological. The most used instruments were the Geriatric Depression Scale, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview and its variations, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview and the Patient Health Questionnaire. There were three distinct purposes for the scales: estimating the prevalence of mental disorders; as a research step; and for screening for mental disorders. Conclusion: It is concluded that the screening instruments are easy to apply and useful for the prevention and promotion of mental health in Primary Care.

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How to Cite
MedeirosS. R., AraújoM. D. M., JeronymoD. V. Z., MalaquiasT. da S. M., BorbaK. P. de, SilvaD. C. da, MassuquetoR. R. H., & BaratieriT. (2023). Use of mental disorders screening instruments in Primary Care. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(11), e14008.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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