Outside telecare during the Covid-19 pandemic: the patient's view

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Virna Souza Correia
Aline Santana Dosea
Mario Adriano dos Santos
Silvia de Magalhães Simões


Objective: To know the opinion of patients with chronic diseases or those responsible for them regarding the care received by telemedicine. Methods: This was a qualitative and quantitative study on the experience of patients assisted by telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic. By telephone, the participants answered a questionnaire composed of objective and subjective questions regarding their opinion about telemedicine, as well as their future expectations about it. Then, based on the answers obtained, analyzes and inferences were made about the object of study. Results: The majority stated satisfaction with the call center in terms of comfort, reception, understanding of information, trust, and solution of demands. Part of the interviewees said they were willing to maintain the use of telemedicine after the pandemic. The lack of physical examination and impaired doctor-patient communication were cited as disadvantages. Conclusion: The prospect of integrating telemedicine into a hybrid care model in the future is feasible considering the patient's perception. The reduced number of participants can be considered a limitation for the quantitative analysis.

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How to Cite
CorreiaV. S., DoseaA. S., SantosM. A. dos, & SimõesS. de M. (2023). Outside telecare during the Covid-19 pandemic: the patient’s view. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(10), e14039. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e14039.2023
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