The use of the Kalanchoe Pinnata (CORAMA) plant in the healing process of gastric ulcers

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Ana Paula Aguiar da Silva Sousa
Raurimar da Silva Silva
Adriano dos Santos Oliveira


Objective: To discuss the benefits of the Kalanchoe Pinnata plant (CORAMA) in wound healing, especially in the inflammatory process of gastric ulcers. Bibliographic review: The use of the plant in the healing process of gastric ulcers has been used as an adjunct in the treatment of the disease and as a therapeutic alternative in other diseases, bringing positive results. Based on studies, the plant has potential therapeutic action as it promotes antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, healing, diuretic, antifungal action, among others. Final considerations: From the studies, can consider that the plant studied has an anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective effect, with the power to regenerate the gastric mucosa, contains natural substances with multiple properties as it does not have toxic potential in its chemical nature. Furthermore, the plant described above has its value according to existing concepts that will contribute to research and the formation of significant studies for science, being an object of business interest and a therapeutic option offered by the Unified Health System (SUS).

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How to Cite
SousaA. P. A. da S., SilvaR. da S., & OliveiraA. dos S. (2023). The use of the Kalanchoe Pinnata (CORAMA) plant in the healing process of gastric ulcers. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 23(11), e14359.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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