Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the mental health of nurses

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Lara Caroliny Soares da Silva Rodrigues
Esmeraldo Pereira de Carvalho Neto
Letycia Gabrielly de Porto Oliveira
Ludmila Borges Santos Amorim
Viviane Rodrigues Tavares
Juliana Barbosa Magalhães Monini
Xisto Senna Passos
Priscilla dos Santos Junqueira Nunes


Objective: To analyze the main consequences caused in the mental health of nursing professionals in coping with Covid-19. Methods: Integrative review was carried out, following the recommendations of PRISMA, the PECo strategy, using the following databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The descriptors “coronavírus infections”, “Covid-19”, “mental health”, “nursing” and “nurses” were selected, which were later merged with the Booleans “AND” and “OR”. Thirteen publications were included, in which the following categories were discussed: 1) The psychophysical consequences and factors that may have compromised the mental health of professionals caused by the pandemic; 2) Possible solutions for the promotionn and prevention of nurses’ mental health in care. Results: The main findings in the articles referring to category on are: stress, anxiety, depression, forced isolation, lack of PPE, intense ande constant responsibility; In two the possible solutions found were: self-care, continuing education, psychological intervention, family relationship, resilience, support of government policies and professional development. Final considerations: The findings found prevalence harmful factors and consequences during this period, evidencing the increase in the mental suffering of professional nurses.

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How to Cite
RodriguesL. C. S. da S., Carvalho NetoE. P. de, OliveiraL. G. de P., AmorimL. B. S., TavaresV. R., MoniniJ. B. M., PassosX. S., & NunesP. dos S. J. (2024). Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the mental health of nurses. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 24(1), e14482.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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