Predictive factors of good and bad glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus monitored in a specialized service in Rio de Janeiro

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Alice Bravim Fernandes Moça
Renan Girotto
Andrea Faria Dutra Fragoso Perozo
Thamyres Marques
Lucas Lobo de Queiroz
Lucas Sarter Pagung


Objective: To evaluate sociodemographic, adherence and clinical and laboratorial factors as potential predictors of good and poor glycemic control in patients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2). Methods: An observational and retrospective study was carried out with 100 patients at a diabetes treatment reference center in Rio de Janeiro, which aimed to identify predictors of good and poor glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients, during the period of 2018 to 2020. Sociodemographic, health and treatment variables were correlated with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, stratified into QUARTILES and divided into very good, good, poor and very poor. Results: In the sample, there was a prevalence of poor glycemic control (33%) and it was observed that gender (p=0,013), age at diagnosis of diabetes (p=0,016), adherence to glycemic self-monitoring (p=0,002) and annual follow-up with an ophthalmologist (p=0,036) were the variables that were presented as predictors for the levels of glycated hemoglobin. Conclusion: The investigation of predictors of good glycemic control is important given the high prevalence of Diabetes and its complications, and it serves as a basis for more effective interventions in the treatment.

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How to Cite
MoçaA. B. F., GirottoR., PerozoA. F. D. F., MarquesT., QueirozL. L. de, & PagungL. S. (2024). Predictive factors of good and bad glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus monitored in a specialized service in Rio de Janeiro. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 24(1), e14621.
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