Health education related to diabetes mellitus in a Basic Health Unit: an experience report

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Amanda Magalhães de Oliveira
Beatriz Correa Rodriguez
Isabelle Tamires Medeiros Braga
Maritza Consuelo Ortiz Sanchez
Miriam Marinho Chrizostimo
Pedro Ruiz Barbosa Nassar
André Luiz de Souza Braga


Objective: To report the experience of 6th-semester students in the Nursing Undergraduate Program at the Federal Fluminense University in health education actions related to diabetes mellitus in a basic health unit. Experience report: It was possible to observe, create, and implement health education promotion strategies using four different approaches: posters, a plaster replica of a diabetic foot, an Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) foam book, and brochures, during June and July 2023. Participants showed interest in the topic through relevant engagement. However, there was difficulty in engaging the younger audience, as capturing their attention proved to be challenging. The students were able to plan educational and managerial actions, as well as interact with patients to clarify the topic. Therefore, educational activities are of great importance in primary care, and they also contribute to the promotion of public policies. Final remarks: The implementation of educational strategies related to diabetes in the field of health has proven to be beneficial, as it promotes awareness among patients. However, addressing challenges such as the lack of engagement with the younger audience is crucial for developing more effective approaches.

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How to Cite
OliveiraA. M. de, RodriguezB. C., BragaI. T. M., SanchezM. C. O., ChrizostimoM. M., NassarP. R. B., & BragaA. L. de S. (2024). Health education related to diabetes mellitus in a Basic Health Unit: an experience report. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 24(2), e14699.
Relatos de Experiência


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