Drug-Induced megaloblastic anemia

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Gabriela Vieira
Lucia Helena Ferreira Vasconcelos
Danielle Furtado de Oliveira
Nathalia Lopez Duarte


Objective: To analyse the drug-induced megaloblastic anemia, discussing medications frequently used in clinical practice. Literature review: Megaloblastic anemia is a type of anemia characterized by morphological abnormalities in the nuclei of erythroid precursors, which tend to be large and immature. The most common causes are deficiencies of vitamin B12 or folate. The use of certain medications for other therapeutic purposes that interfere with the absorption of these nutrients can lead to drug-induced megaloblastic anemia. It can occur in people of all ages, but it is more common in the elderly and individuals with chronic diseases. The symptoms of drug-induced megaloblastic anemia are similar to those of other types of anemia. Final considerations: When evaluating an individual diagnosed with megaloblastic anemia, consideration should be given to their nutritional context, serum levels of micronutrients, macromolecules, and metabolites such as vitamin B12, ferritin, iron, methylmalonic acid, and homocysteine. Additionally, a thorough clinical assessment should be conducted, paying attention to the medications used by the patient, which should be evaluated for the possibility of inducing megaloblastic anemia.

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How to Cite
VieiraG., VasconcelosL. H. F., OliveiraD. F. de, & DuarteN. L. (2024). Drug-Induced megaloblastic anemia. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 24(2), e15897. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e15897.2024
Revisão Bibliográfica


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