Phonophoresis for pain and inflammation in musculoskeletal system disorders

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João Gabriel Gonçalves Cavalcante
Rafael Radison Coimbra Pereira da Silva
Maria Clara Barroso Leite Lopes
Thaysla Oliveira de Sousa
Lígia Lages Sampaio
Iaggo Henrique de Sousa Figueiredo
Kauan Benega Pacheco
Gabriela Maria de Sousa Rodrigues
Maria Leopoldina Mota do Nascimento
Joelcia Mariana Ferreira Silva
Roney Gutierry Ribeiro Costa
Ana Maria Santos da Costa
Marcos Antonio Alves Pantoja
Isamara Silva Santos
Jefferson Abraão Caetano Lira


Objective: To identify in the literature the use of phonophoresis to relieve pain and inflammation in musculoskeletal disorders, qualifying the level of evidence and degree of recommendation of the studies. Methodology: This is a literature review study, where they were selected in the Journal Portal CAPES selected the descriptors with the widest range of clinical research in phonophoresis: knee osteoarthritis, low back pain, shoulder impingement syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome. After selecting studies, we collected the sample data, intervention and the results obtained for discussion in this paper. The level of evidence for each work, as well as the degree of recommendation for its results, were rated according to OCEBM (Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine) determinants. Results: All selected papers had level of evidence 1b, and degree of recommendation higher than B. Final considerations: Of the evidence found, all had a submaximal level of evidence, and most with the highest degree of recommendation, demonstrating efficacy. phonophoresis, in relation to other forms of common therapies.

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CavalcanteJ. G. G., SilvaR. R. C. P. da, LopesM. C. B. L., SousaT. O. de, SampaioL. L., FigueiredoI. H. de S., PachecoK. B., RodriguesG. M. de S., NascimentoM. L. M. do, SilvaJ. M. F., CostaR. G. R., CostaA. M. S. da, PantojaM. A. A., SantosI. S., & LiraJ. A. C. (2019). Phonophoresis for pain and inflammation in musculoskeletal system disorders. Electronic Journal Collection Health, (37), e1664.
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