Espiritualidad / religiosidad de los familiares de usuarios de crack como proceso en la recuperación


Elinéia dos Santos Fontes
Maria da Conceição Quirino dos Santos
Sérgio Donha Yarid
Renara Meira Gomes
Maria Lúcia Quirino dos Santos
Ianderlei Andrade Souza
Kay Amparo Santos
Norma Lopes de Magalhães Velasco Bastos
Sheylla Nayara Sales Vieira
Geovana de Jesus Santana


Objective: To Understand the living and coping strategies of family of users of crack, through the analysis of emerging religious interventions for recovery. Method: This is a qualitative survey of the literature review type, being used as data sources published articles in databases of the SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), REDALYC (network of scientific journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, España y Portugal), CAPES Journals (Periodical Portal, the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), journals of Kroton, the VHL (Virtual Health Library) and Google Scholar, the period from 2012 to 2018.  Results: There is a significant evolution of chemical dependence, specifically crack, as it has become a serious public health problem associated with biopsychosocial factors. Religiousness / spirituality are positive allies as support for the family. Conclusion: in the face of the suffering experienced by family members and addicts in consequence of the use of crack, individuals turn to religiosity as support in the fight against the disease, favoring so your well-being. In this way, the religiousness/spirituality are positive factors to recovery process, where remarkable changes in life habits and better family and social interaction.


Cómo citar
FontesE. dos S., SantosM. da C. Q. dos, YaridS. D., GomesR. M., SantosM. L. Q. dos, SouzaI. A., SantosK. A., BastosN. L. de M. V., VieiraS. N. S., & SantanaG. de J. (2018). Espiritualidad / religiosidad de los familiares de usuarios de crack como proceso en la recuperación. Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde, (19), e194.
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