Quality of life of institutionalized elderly people in palliative care

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Tereza Lais Menegucci Zutin
Flavia Vilas Boas Ortiz Carli
Thais Menegucci
Mariana Cadelca Zalbinate
Ana Cláudia Dias Bossoni
Kamila Cristina Viana
Letícia dos Santos Oliveira
Isabela Barrile Fernandes
Pedro Henrique Menegucci Zutin


Objective: know and describe the perception of quality of life of patients admitted to a long-term institution under the eyes of the patient. Methods: This is an observational, exploratory-descriptive, cross-sectional study, carried out in a long-term institution for the elderly in the interior of São Paulo, from October to December 2018. The study population consisted by patients with life-threatening chronic disease, among other severe pathologies. For data collection, a form prepared by the researcher was used and the Palliative Scale Outcames Scale (POS) was also applied. Results: The number of hospitalized in the referred institution totals 53 patients. Of these, 30 patients did not have cognitive conditions to answer the form, so 23 elderly people did so. We obtained the prevalence of females, white color, widowed marital status, age over 70 years, education level without complete educational cycle, profession, rural worker, Catholic religion, family income of one minimum wage, with presence of caregiver, patients with illness base. Conclusion: It is concluded that the quality of life of these patients in long-term institutions is satisfactory and meets the physical, social and psychological needs in view of their presented realities and limitations.

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How to Cite
ZutinT. L. M., CarliF. V. B. O., MenegucciT., ZalbinateM. C., BossoniA. C. D., VianaK. C., OliveiraL. dos S., FernandesI. B., & ZutinP. H. M. (2020). Quality of life of institutionalized elderly people in palliative care. Electronic Journal Collection Health, (43), e2790. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e2790.2020
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