Deficit in self-care for bathing: characterization of the nursing diagnosis in critically ill patients

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Luana Vieira Toledo
Nádia Vaz Sampaio
Patrícia de Oliveira Salgado
Lídia Miranda Brinati
Camila Santana Domingos
Cristiane Chaves de Souza
Flávia Falci Ercole


Objective: To estimate the prevalence of defining characteristics and factors related to the nursing diagnosis “deficit in self-care for bathing” among critical adult patients. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted with 51 patients admitted to an Intensive Care Unit, between February and April 2018. Data on sociodemographic and clinical characterization were collected from the medical record. The data regarding the Nursing Diagnosis: Deficit in self-care for bathing were obtained from direct observation of the patient. Descriptive statistics were performed. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: There was a predominance of elderly patients (33 - 64.7%), male (28 - 54.9%), considered white (26 - 51.0%), who progressed to discharge (43 - 84, 3%). The prevalence of “Deficit in self-care for bathing” was 100.0% among patients. The impaired ability to access the water source, access the bathroom and take bath articles were the defining characteristics presented by all patients (51 - 100.0%). Among the related factors, the most prevalent (100.0%) was the environmental barrier. Conclusion: It is concluded that critical patients have limitations for maintaining their body hygiene, being dependent on the nursing team.

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How to Cite
ToledoL. V., SampaioN. V., SalgadoP. de O., BrinatiL. M., DomingosC. S., de SouzaC. C., & ErcoleF. F. (2020). Deficit in self-care for bathing: characterization of the nursing diagnosis in critically ill patients. Electronic Journal Collection Health, (43), e3284.
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