Perception of institutionalized elderly about quality of life

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Francisco Jânio Marinho de Souza
Carmelita Maria Silva Sousa
Allex Alves Sobral de Sousa
Lucineide Coqueiro Gurgel
Cícera Leice Silva Marques
Janaina Brito Alves
Maria Aparecida Feitosa Candido Herculano
Eulina Alves Sousa Brito
Willma José de Santana
Dayse Christina Rodrigues Pereira Luz


Objective: This research aimed to evaluate aspects related to the quality of life of institutionalized elderly in the city of Crato in the state of Ceará. Methods: This study was exploratory, descriptive and qualitative approach. The socio-demographic and cultural profile was traced; We identified the importance of the professionals of the Long Stay Institutions for the Elderly (LSIE) and the perception about the quality of life in an institution. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview, which addressed the aging associated with quality of life in the institution. Results: The sample for the study consisted of 13 elderly, all female and aged between 70 and 80 years. They were organized into four categories: 1) morphofunctional changes; 2) participation in leisure events; 3) professional assistance; and 4) quality of life in LSIE. The aging process influences the development of changes that can have an important impact on the quality of life of the elderly. Conclusion: It was understood that, even in the face of certain limitations caused by the increase of years, the respondents perceive the quality of life in LSIE in a positive way in all aspects, which began with the welcome and continues in the daily life of the institution.

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SouzaF. J. M. de, SousaC. M. S., SousaA. A. S. de, GurgelL. C., MarquesC. L. S., AlvesJ. B., HerculanoM. A. F. C., BritoE. A. S., SantanaW. J. de, & LuzD. C. R. P. (2020). Perception of institutionalized elderly about quality of life. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 12(7), e3310.
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