Association of teeth whitening techniques on non-vital teeth: case report

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Heloisa França de Araujo
Héberte de Santana Arruda
Mariana Alves Lemos
Amanda Maciel do Prado
Eduardo Borges da Costa Leite
Marcos Antonio Japiassú Resende Montes


Objective: To describe a case report in which tooth whitening with the association of internal and external techniques was the treatment of choice, addressing the materials and care that must be taken at the time of the intervention. Case report: A male patient attended the dental clinic, as he was dissatisfied with the tone of his central incisor, element 21. Initially, prophylaxis was performed with pumice paste and water, using a Robinson brush, of all dental surfaces. Soon afterwards, the pulp chamber was opened, cleaning it completely, removing all the restorative material. After cervical sealing, three bleaching sessions were performed using the external technique and the walking bleach technique. Final considerations: The in-office technique was chosen due to the patient's needs associated with the efficacy and safety of the bleaching agent used, which is widely disseminated in the literature. In order to have a satisfactory result in whitening devitalized teeth, it is necessary to have an accurate diagnosis, an adequate treatment plan, correct decision on the techniques to be employed, the dentist's skill and ability to apply them and thus conclude the case with patient safety and satisfaction.

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How to Cite
AraujoH. F. de, ArrudaH. de S., LemosM. A., PradoA. M. do, LeiteE. B. da C., & MontesM. A. J. R. (2020). Association of teeth whitening techniques on non-vital teeth: case report. Electronic Journal Collection Health, (57), e4037.
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