Subjective well-being in women participating in a Social Program in city of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais

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Cledilene Muniz de Oliveira
Maria de Fatima de Matos Maia
Celina Aparecida Gonçalves Lima
Jaime Tolentino Miranda Neto
Berenilde Valéria de Oliveira Sousa
Jean Claude Lafetá
Geraldo Magela Durães
Italo Barreto Prates
Ana Cristina Oliveira
Thatiana Maia Tolentino


Objective: To analyze the subjective well-being and possible association with the independent variables considered in women participating in a social program in the city of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais Method: This research has an epidemiological, transversal and analytical character. The sample had 298 women practicing guided activities. The data collection was done through a modified evaluation questionnaire and the Subjective Well-Being questionnaire. In the data analysis, the variable SWB was considered as a dependent variable and the independent variables were age, marital status, schooling, body mass index, if have children and alcoholic beverage. Descriptive statistics were used by means of simple and relative frequencies, in addition to the χ² test to verify the association between the independent variables and SWB. Results: The majority of women are 40 years of age or older (65.2%), married/widowed (59.6%) and obese (54.3%). Only the variable education was associated with subjective well-being. Conclusion: Most of the women participating in the social program in this study have subjective well-being, positive affects and above-average positive experiences. When analyzing SWB with the independent variables, it can be concluded that there was an association only with the educational variable.

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OliveiraC. M. de, MaiaM. de F. de M., LimaC. A. G., NetoJ. T. M., SousaB. V. de O., LafetáJ. C., DurãesG. M., PratesI. B., OliveiraA. C., & TolentinoT. M. (2019). Subjective well-being in women participating in a Social Program in city of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 11(6), e440.
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