The ergonomic health of the teacher of a military school in the Amazon region

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Wesley Gomes Feitosa
Elder Oliveira da Silva
Suelen dos Santos Ferreira
Pasionaria Rosa Ramos Ruiz Diaz
Eliezer de Araújo
José Maurício Diascânio


Objectives: To describe the ergonomic health of teachers of a military school in the Amazon region, since the work done by this cause interferes in the psychophysiological integrity of the worker. Method: The instrument used to evaluate fatigue used by Ergo Assessoria e Consultoria em Saúde do Trabalhador, validated by Couto, was used in the most diverse occupational practices. This instrument measures the teacher's level of discomfort at the beginning and end of working hours. Results: The largest reported nonconformities were 37% stress (23), muscle pain 32% (20) and fatigue 31% (19). At the beginning of the workday, the highest reported nonconformities were classified as intensity factors one (1), characterized by the absence of pain in the arms or wrists of the hands, absence of pain in the ribs and normal productivity. At the end of the day, the major reported nonconformities were intensity factors of three (3) to four (4), such as pain in the ribs, pain in the hands and wrists of the dominant arm and the nervous factor. Conclusion: The work process presents a moderate ergonomic risk, the work is stressful and requires adjustments to improve the quality of life and the teaching work of the school.

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How to Cite
FeitosaW. G., SilvaE. O. da, FerreiraS. dos S., DiazP. R. R. R., AraújoE. de, & DiascânioJ. M. (2019). The ergonomic health of the teacher of a military school in the Amazon region. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 11(11), e447.
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