The incitations of circumspections in primary care in the unique health system

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José Milton de Aquino e Silva Neto
Amanda da Silva Costa
Samila dos Santos Araújo
Alfredo Jose Pereira Filho
Michelle Leão Bittencourt Brandão Medeiros
Tayguara Cerqueira Cavalcanti


Objective: Examine and review the collaborations of the Family Health Strategy and portray factors of which they are able to raise awareness of the sustainable development of the model in question. Methods: Related to a literature review, with explanatory and informative questions, of which the characterization processes were defined through searches for scientific literature, in databases, having as descriptors: Patient Care, Primary Health Care, Unified Health System. Results: At first, the form of greatness was analyzed, of which the collaborations for the amplification of the primary attention, regularization of the established conjectures and the care in equity and incitations regarding the form of contribution, didactics, personal management and the Multiprofessional organization were highlighted. An increase in services, attention to programmed actions and integrative assistance in the organizational sphere were analyzed, with challenges related to the entrance door, inclusion in services and social participation. Final considerations: In assistance, the advantages of multidisciplinary reception, receptivity, connection, humanitarian form, community orientation were considered. The obstacles to its improvement are conditioned by factors interconnected between patient and professional, requiring greater attention and effort from State policies.

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How to Cite
NetoJ. M. de A. e S., CostaA. da S., AraújoS. dos S., FilhoA. J. P., Brandão MedeirosM. L. B., & CavalcantiT. C. (2020). The incitations of circumspections in primary care in the unique health system. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 12(10), e4679.
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