Case report: is there an association between lesion intraepitelial cervical III neoplasia with autoimmune thyroid disease?

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Leonora Alves Ribeiro
Gabriel Bianchi da Silva
Siderleu Pires Rosa Junior
Márcia Cristina Taveira Pucci Green


Objective: To report a case of a patient, relating HPV (human papillomavirus) infection of high oncogenic risk plus an NIC III lesion, with autoimmune thyroid disease. Case details: This is a case report, of a transversal descriptive type, made from the analysis of the medical record and the monitoring of a patient being followed up at the School Outpatient Clinic, belonging to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Franca Complex, and approved by the Ethics Committee of the same foundation. The case of a 34-year-old patient, diagnosed with hypothyroidism 2 years ago, who had a high-grade NIC II / III intraepithelial lesion for screening for cervical cancer, was submitted for treatment. There has been an investigation into these two conditions and their changes in humoral and innate immunity, in addition to the stress caused by the disease. Final considerations: It is concluded that analyzing the course of the NIC III lesion and thyroid disease, since the two diseases have an important association with immunity, we observe a possible relationship between such pathologies.

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How to Cite
RibeiroL. A., da SilvaG. B., Rosa JuniorS. P., & GreenM. C. T. P. (2020). Case report: is there an association between lesion intraepitelial cervical III neoplasia with autoimmune thyroid disease?. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 12(10), e4727.
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