Repercussions of iron deficiency during pregnancy and pregnancy for the maternal-fetal binomium

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Vitoria Vilas Boas da Silva Bomfim
Emilie dos Santos Aleluia
Tailine dos Santos Santana
Tainara Regina Castro Silva
Leidiane Araújo Oliveira
Adriele da Silva Brito
Denise Mineiro Cunha Alves
Nívea Maria Ferreira Gama
Êmile Tosta Araújo


Objective: To analyze the repercussions of iron deficiency during pregnancy and in the puerperium for the maternal-fetal binomial, as well as to highlight the nurse's intervention in the face of the problem. Bibliographic Review: Iron deficiency in pregnant women has relevant consequences that culminate in gestational anemia, thus impairing maternal health, causing losses in fetal development and growth and can lead to acute blood loss in the postpartum period, leading to irreversible consequences for both, thus, it is necessary to have an early identification of the deficiency of this micronutrient in the pregnant woman, so that nutritional or drug intervention strategies can be put together, promoting adequate levels of them, improving the pregnancy prognosis with the pregnant woman. The nurse is fundamental for the monitoring and development of a healthy pregnancy, as she must emphasize, prioritize and guide the recommendations given by the doctor, as well as reinforcing and clarifying about good eating practices, and an adequate lifestyle, in order to avoid complications and ensure a pregnancy without complications. Final Considerations: Iron deficiency during pregnancy and the puerperium for the maternal-fetal binomial causes severe sequelae in fetal development and growth, in addition to harming the mother's health, which can lead to irreversible consequences for both.

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How to Cite
BomfimV. V. B. da S., AleluiaE. dos S., SantanaT. dos S., SilvaT. R. C., OliveiraL. A., BritoA. da S., AlvesD. M. C., GamaN. M. F., & Araújo Êmile T. (2020). Repercussions of iron deficiency during pregnancy and pregnancy for the maternal-fetal binomium. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 12(12), e5154.
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