Diagnosis in health of traditional populations: systematic review

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Lívia de Aguiar Valentim
Tatiane Costa Quaresma
Thiago Junio Costa Quaresma
Olinda do Carmo Luiz


Objective: To systematize scientific knowledge about the health diagnoses of traditional populations, aiming to develop an appropriate instrument for a health survey. Methods: Scopus, National Center for Biotechnology Information (PubMed), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Base Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), according to the PRISMA methodology. Studies published from 2008 to September 2018 were included, and the descriptors used were written in English, for all searches (riverside or indigenous or Afro-descendants and health diagnoses and non-treatments). Results: Of the 19034 articles found, 35 were removed due to duplication, and after reading the titles, researcher 1 selected 34, and researcher 2, 54, reaching a consensus to read the abstracts of 34 articles, of which only 13 were selected for. full reading. None of the selected articles dealt with the riverside and quilombola populations. Conclusion: Only 13 articles had relevant information for the construction of the data collection instrument for health surveys. It is suggested that studies with such populations be expanded, with emphasis on epidemiological studies.

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How to Cite
ValentimL. de A., QuaresmaT. C., QuaresmaT. J. C., & LuizO. do C. (2021). Diagnosis in health of traditional populations: systematic review. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(1), e5377. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e5377.2021
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